I have been teaching in some manner ever since I was sixteen. I was too old to play on the area little league soccer team, so I was asked to coach a team. I worked hard to find ways to teach what I loved in ways that others with different learning styles easily understood.
It was a thrill to see the "light bulbs" go off when someone understood how to do something, and hopefully do it well.
I have taught classes in Bach Flower Essences, meditation and relaxation techniques, professional ethics, nutrition, Success Signals, CranioSacral Therapy, SomaCentric Dialoguing and central nervous system dissection classes.
I also tutor therapists in professional practices, practice building, SomaCentric Dialoguing and CranioSacral Therapy. A special tutoring program is available for those interested in doing well on their CST Techniques exam.
I am the developer of the SomaCentric Dialoguing system. I am a certified CranioSacral Therapy (CST) Techniques examiner for the Upledger Institute, a presenter for 1- and 2-day CST classes. And a certified presenter for Success Signals.
Please contact me if you would like a presentation or class taught about one of these subjects or similar.